Aleš Rod
Aleš Rod works as director of the Centre for Economic and Market Analyses, Prague, Czech Republic. He finishes his Ph.D. studies at University of Economics in Prague (field: Economic Theories), where he has already got his Bachelor degree (field: Regional Economics) and Master degree (field: Economics and Economic Policy) and where he teaches several courses in the field of economics. Apart from academia, his work experiences consist of a private sector track record (esp. banking & consulting), a public sector track record (The Government’s National Economic Council) and NGOs (CAO at Liberal Institute, one of the most respected think-tanks in the central Europe). He participates in conferences and publishes texts in both international and Czech journals and other media. His research deals with the principles and the effects of regulation, with the influence of instruments of fiscal policy on public finance, analysis of the shadow economy and research in areas of banking and economics of luxury.