Dimitris Efthymiou
Dimitris Efthymiou has completed his studies at the Polytechnic of PROTECIA of Belgrade as orthotic and prosthetic.
Following his field of expertise, he founded the Company D. Efthymiou and Co. Co. which is active in the field of Health and especially in the field of Orthopedic and Medical Devices.
At the same time, he has founded and maintains other business activities such as:
-RED BAKERY, Company of Sanitary Field of interest in Kokkino Nero, Municipality of Ayia.
-RED HOLIDAYS, Tourist Agency in Kokkino Nero, Municipality of Ayia.
-RED INN, Hotel Unit in Kokkino Nero, Ayia.
-GAIA INDUSTRY, Production and Standardization of Agricultural Products.
-INTRAMED Company in Bulgaria, in the field of medical equipment.
-An online store with the brand-name MED SHOP.
In addition, he is President of WATER ACTION, a nonprofit company for the protection and promotion of the Water springs and baths of the Municipality of Ayia.